
Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00.

All bags manufactured by Versapak can be used over 2,000 times and come with a 5-year guarantee.

The material used in the manufacture of all Versapak bags and carrier bags is suitable for cleaning with any commercially available cleaning agent and is also suitable for cleaning with antiseptic cleaning liquids and wipes. The use of solvents for cleaning is not recommended, as this can remove any imprints on the bag. In most cases, however, the use of a solvent-based cleaner will not damage the bag material. However, it is advisable to test the solvent on a small area of the bag.

We put our customers at the center of everything we do. If you have a question, concern or comment, please send a message to

We can make bags for any purpose. If you have not found what you are looking for on our website, please call us on +49 (0) 2129 - 3620 080 and we will be happy to advise you.

Customized bags

We can make any bag - whether we customize one of our existing bags or design something completely new. Please see our section for custom bags for more information.

We can print any of our bags with the logo of your choice. Please see our section for customized bags for more information.

Yes, we charge a set-up fee. Additional charges apply for printed colors, the first color is free and there is a charge for each additional color. Please contact us for further information.

Security seal

Versapak recommends the T2 security seal. We have 3 other types of closure mechanisms and seals available - the Versapak T-seal, the Versapak Button seal and the Versapak Arrow seal. Click here to viewto find out more.

Our stock security seals are either neutral or numbered, but we can add barcodes, QR codes and personalization.

Yes, you can! Versapak security seals can be recycled in the same way as any other recyclable waste. We also operate a take-back program for your seals, where we take back used Versapak security seals and process them into new ones. Get in touch with usto find out more.

Versapak T2, T, Button, Arrow and VersaLite+ seals are made from recycled plastic. Click here to see for more information about our security seals.


Visit the screen account registration screen and click "Register here" to create a new account. Or simply place an order and we'll automatically create an account during the process.

No, you can place an order as a guest. After you have placed the order, you will have the option to set a password and create an account on the website.

Click on the "My account" button at the top of the page. You will then see a link "Forgot password" or click on "Forgot password". Enter the e-mail address you used to set up the account and you will receive an e-mail with a link to reset your password.

Click here to log in to your account or click on the "My account" icon at the top of the page. Once you are logged in, click on "Edit addresses" to change your details.

How to order

Please contact our sales team on +49 (0) 2129 - 3620 080

Yes, we accept orders by telephone. Please call us on +49 (0) 2129 - 3620 080 and one of our sales team will be happy to help you.

Depending on the size, your order will be delivered by post or courier.

If you would like to collect your order, please call us on +49 (0) 2129 - 3620 080 and we can arrange collection.

Each product has a different minimum order quantity. Please refer to the relevant product page for clarification.

We accept returns of unused standard items. Printed or bespoke bag designs cannot be returned unless they are faulty. Please see our terms and conditions page for more information.

In this case, if you were logged in at the time, your items will still be in your shopping cart when you visit the website again. If you have problems with an order, please contact us.

We accept payments via Paypal, Visa, Mastercard and Amex. For those mobile users, we also accept Google Pay and Apple Pay.

Talk to us and we will be happy to advise you further on the requirements for opening a credit account with us. Please call us on +49 (0) 2129 - 3620 080.

As soon as you have placed an order with VAT, you will automatically receive an invoice.

You will automatically receive an invoice if you have placed an order that includes VAT.

All transactions go through Shopify or PayPal, companies trusted by millions of organizations worldwide for online shopping. Versapak does not store any of your card information. Your payment is processed through Shopify Payments or PayPal's online system, which is encrypted and secure.


If you have ordered a stock item, your order will be with you in 1-3 days. For items that are not in stock or are custom-made, the delivery time is approx. 4-6 weeks. This may vary depending on capacity utilization. You can find more information on the respective product page or contact us. We can then give you a more precise time frame.

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Yes, we can deliver anywhere in the world. You can find more information on our "Delivery and returns" page.


If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please send an email to with details of the problem. A member of the team will then look into it and get back to you.

Versapak has two different websites:

Versapak UK/ROW -

Versapak Europe -

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