Labortasche PYB -Transport von Proben - Klein, Mittel und Groß
Laboratory bag - transportation of samples from $188.97
Laboratory transport bag for vaccines and medicines with plastic feet and inner compartment for a data logger.
Labortasche PYBVAC -Impfstoffe und Medikamente (Englisch)
Laboratory bag -vaccines and medication from $188.97
Laboratory transport bag for vaccines and medicines with reinforcement and foam padding.
Bluttransporttasche BLD -Blutproben oder Transfusionsbeutel
Blood transport bag -blood samples or transfusion bags from $186.31
Blood transport bag for any blood products such as blood samples or transfusion bags with adjustable shoulder strap. If you need the transport bag UN3373 and P650 compliant, then click hereto order a UN3373 sticker.
Labortransporttasche - Integriertem Thermometer
Laboratory transport bag - Integrated thermometer $204.94
Laboratory bag with integrated thermometer for the transportation of laboratory samples and blood products.
Labortasche -Zytostatika
Laboratory bag -cytostatics $214.26
Laboratory transport bag for cytostatics with reinforcement and foam padding, two circumferential carrying handles with hand protection and German or English print.
Labortasche MLB-T2 -Transport von Humanmilch
Laboratory bag - transport of breast milk $122.97
Laboratory bag for transporting breast milk with reinforcement, foam padding and English print.
Apothekentasche -Transport von Medikamenten und Unterlagen
Pharmacy bag - transportation of medication and documents $37.50
The unmistakable, sealable pharmacy bag is ideal for transporting medicines and medical documents.
Labortasche -Medizinische Befunde - OP Präparate
Laboratory bag - medical findings - surgical specimens $16.97
The laboratory bag with space for medical reports and surgical specimens is perfect for on the go or in the clinic. So you always have everything you need for your work with you. Practical and compact, for efficient use of your time and energy.
Dokumententasche VCF-MED
Document pouch $16.23
Document pouch for medical documents, e.g. for patient records, findings, etc.
Asservatentasche AS1-MED
Exhibit bag $18.45
Bag for personal items and documents of patients or hospital staff, e.g. smartphone, ID, tablet, keys, wallet, etc.

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